Located in the Kondo district of Niseko Town, Hokkaido, this therapy center specialises in Massage, Acupuncture, Osteopathy and Shiatsu..
Meeting the individual needs of each client, we tailor make each treatment to get the maximum results.
Should it be needed, we can also provide other treatments, some self-regulating, including skeletal and pelvic adjustments, Seitai (a form of osteopathy), Cranio Sacral Therapy(CST), cupping therapy, and yoga.
We are especially skilled at dealing with slipped disks, sciatica, sports injuries, lumbago, stiff and frozen shoulders, stiff necks, sprains, knee joint pain, and jaw dislocations.
Normally our clientele are from the surrounding areas, but during the winter season we have many foreign guests, some of whom having injuries from winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding, but also those who wish to correct imbalances in their bodies and improve their performance.
Most clients are situated in the surrounding local areas within an hour’s drive. However, we regularly have visitors from Sapporo, Otaru, Hakodate, and Yoichi.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of clinics offering acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, Judo therapy (a traditional type of bone setting) and Qigong services
Most of their patients are in fact referrals from our own clinic.
We can communicate through Japanese and simple English..
We also are able to provide for hotel business trips.
一人一人の体質に合わせて、最短で最大限の効果が発揮できるようなオーダーメイドの施術を行っています。必要に応じて火鍼・巨鍼・吸い玉・刺絡などの短時間に大きな変化をもたらす特殊鍼法や骨格・骨盤調整などの整体・オステオパシー、脳脊髄液の流れやグリア細胞の改善を目的としたクレニオセイクラルセラピー(CST 頭蓋仙骨療法)、なども行います。