Body Care ギックリ腰・坐骨神経痛・スポーツ障害・腰痛・肩こり・寝違え・五十肩・膝痛・捻挫治療・交通事故ならニセコドーム治療院

Shiatsu & Massage 指圧 マッサージ

“Shiatsu” is a traditional therapy method from Japan.
This method was developed from a mix of traditional Japanese methods, Chinese medicine as well as Western practices including massage, chiropractic and osteopathy.
We practice Zen Shiatsu based on the Eastern concept of adjusting the flow of Ki by manipulating the meridians.
Meridians are channels through which Ki flows.
When the meridians are manipulated as well as the muscle and bones, pain is relieved.
If needed we will concentrate solely on the skeletal system and the pelvis but can also work directly on the muscles causing the pain.
When one thinks of Eastern medicine the stagnation of “Ki”, the fundamental life force of all living beings, is the cause of illness and thus the adjustment of its flow will heal.

当院では、東洋医学的な考えに基づいて経絡の歪み(虚実)を整え、氣の流れを調整していく「経絡指圧」(Zen Shiatsu)を行っています。


We are skilled at sports injuries, body maintenance both before and after sports as well as back pain, stiff necks and shoulders.
In addition, we also perform the treatment for relaxation purposes.
During the winter season we often help athletes looking for body maintenance treatments.


[予約制] お気軽にお問合せください TEL 0136-55-8619 8:30-12:00 14:00-21:00  木・土午後休み 日祝不定休 予約は18:30まで