Body Care ギックリ腰・坐骨神経痛・スポーツ障害・腰痛・肩こり・寝違え・五十肩・膝痛・捻挫治療・交通事故ならニセコドーム治療院

Cupping therapy   吸玉・刺絡

Cupping Therapy:
This therapy involves attaching small plastic containers to the skin, aspirating and stimulating the subcutaneous soft tissue layers.
This therapy can help by bringing stagnated fluids and blood stasis up to the surface thus improving general circulation.
With cupping therapy there are many immediate benefits including muscle relaxation and overall improvement of one’s constitution which only get better with continued treatment.
After the treatment a mark will be left on the skin due to small blood capillaries are broken and minute bleeding occurs under the skin surface.
After the therapy the regeneration of the capillaries will improve blood flow, relieve pain and improve overall well-being.
A red mark was even visible on the back of Rio Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps (USA) which came from cupping therapy.
Normally the mark will only last about 5 days, though for those with sensitive skin or poor blood flow it may remain longer. Either way, the mark will disappear naturally.

皮下の停滞した水分や瘀血(おけつ)が皮膚表面に引き出されることで、局所循環が改善されます。 吸玉療法は筋肉の痛みなどに即時的な効果があり、継続的に施術することで体質などが徐々に変化していきます。

Dermal Blood-Letting:
For someone with a still neck, a small scratch is made in the skin and a cup applied in the normal cupping therapy method. This allows the old blood to leave the body.


Seiketsu (Puncture) Bloodletting:
Using special acupuncture needles small pricks are made on the finger tips and toes allowing the old blood to leave the body and improve circulation.


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